Daja and Diamond
A project partnership with Sophworks Recovery Group
The Daja & Diamond backstory
The story of Daja and Diamond began in Baltimore MD in the downtown district. Daja was on her lunch break when she was approached by Diamond. Diamond flattered her and told her she was pretty and she should look into modeling. Daja, a very prudent and experienced social worker asked her, "Where is he?" Diamond was perplexed. She blinked, shook her head and said, "Who are you talking about?" Daja replied firmly, "I'm referring to your pimp." Diamond turned away and looked into the busy crowd, full of too many different men standing around. Some appeared to be going about their day so it was hard to determine which one could be her pimp. Daja, had been trafficked multiple times as child and she knew the signs. Diamond mumbled something that could not be understood and seemed really nervous. Daja removed a card from her purse and gave it to Diamond. "Call me if you need to talk or if you want to be free."
One year later, Diamond called Daja, and they agreed to meet in that same area on a bench. The bench had been re-painted blue in recognition of Anti-Human Trafficking Month.
If you suspect that you are being trafficked or if you know someone being trafficked, visit humantraffickinghotline.org. 1-888-373-7888

Daja and Diamond

Daja and Diamond

Daja and Diamond
About the Partnership
In recognition of Anti-human Trafficking Month, Cecelia Art House has partnered with the Sophworks Recovery Group to develop two beautiful pieces of art that represent the the story between Daja and Diamond.
About the Art
Daja and Diamond are made of Premier Air dry stone clay by Activa. The clay was tinted using Burnt Umber and Raw Sienna acrylic paints. Materials include a wire armature, aluminum foil, and Virgin Remy human hair including transparent enclosure. Their makeup is finished with powder-based pastels and acrylic paints. They are sealed with Mr. Super Clear varnish. They are ball-jointed dolls and each piece took 3 months to complete. If you are interested in a detailed description of how to create doll, see the making of the doll.